DBase Directory Location: GMBASE
Table Description: Log file of field/record changes to all GMBASE tables. Used for synchronization.

NOTE: Some table changes do not generate GMTLog entries.

Table Indexes
Name DBase Index SQL Index ID

Table Relationships

Table Fields Structure
Field Name Field Type Length Description
SYNCSTAMP String 7 Encrypted date and time that the activity occurred during processing.
LOGSTAMP String 7 Encrypted date and time that GoldSync or GoldMine recorded the activity.
ACTION String 2 Code indicating action taken ((N)ew, (D)elete, (U)pdate)
TABLEID String 1 Code indicating table in which action occurred.
Value Description
“ (quote) Cal
R Cases (GoldMine 8.5.x)
6 Fields5
+ Filters
# Forms
2 ImpExp
3 InfoMine
! (exclamation) Lookup
; (semi-colon) MailBox
W Notes (GoldMine 8.5.x)
B OpMgr
/ PerPhone
5 Report32
1 ResItems
4 Scriptsw
 - (hyphen) SpFiles
= Syslog
7 Tracks
9 UserLog
. (period) Users
FRECID String 15 RecID in table. This identifies the specific record affected.
FIELDNAME String 10 Fieldname that was changed or code indicating type of New or Deleted record. Codes used are listed below.
USERID String 9 Username (preceeded by a tilde ‘~’) or license # that created this record.